mental illness

(s) Master, I hear everyone talking about mental illness?

(m) I see.

(s) Why is this so?

(m) Everyone is mentally ill.

(s) How has this happened to them?

(m) ‘They’ is irrelevant. What matters is ‘you.’

(s) Master, what is the Truth about mental illness in my life?

(m) Student, you’ve asked something sincerely.

As such, I must answer you directly.

Everyone has psychopathology.

Psychotherapists are not the curers of disease.

They are simply the categorizers of disease.

They gather many sentences together

And call something X vs. Y vs. Z

In order for them to have some language to communicate in.

Such language gives birth to diagnosis

Which then gives them the luxury of prescribing

Psychotropics and anti-anxiety medication.

You can basically state that that is as much mental illness as the so-called mental illness itself.

The truth it is…

Nothing is being done for mental illness in this world.

Because human beings

Especially intellectuals, scientists and doctors

Have no earthly idea what the mind really is and how it works.

And if these individuals don't know what the mind really is

How can they possibly treat mental illness?

All they can do…

Is throw a bunch of drugs at it//


The motivated man lives under the osciallation

Of motivation.

Some days he is motivated

Some days he is not.

He takes holidays

And comes back saying he feels recharged.

Such statement begs the questions…

Of what use is it to dedicate ones life to a thing that drains you?

Of what use is it to be motivated one day

And not another?

The motivated man feels pride in his motivation.

Why would a man feel pride dedicating his life to things that drain him?

Does motivation truly last?

Has any of the mass populace asked such a question?

Why are they not motivated to ask such a question?

Motivation does not last.


Because it was never genuinely had to begin with//

circular chase









Self-improvement fanatics





And at times lest I say even those closest to you…

Are all here to prescribe you temporary fixes

To deal with your deepest sufferings.

As such, they have no interests in Curing your suffering.


Because they are interested only in getting a dose of pleasure

Which gives them the luxury of temporarily escaping their own//

there is no other

Any attempt

To help





Garner favor



Have others agree or disagree

Serves the giver

But never the receiver//


(s) Why does a human act?

(m) Largely because of appearance.

Rare is the man that is guided by True action.

(s) Appearance?

(m) Yes.

(s) Why appearance?

(m) In order to show another human and himself that he is ‘achieving’ something or that he is ‘happy’

Which in turn gives him a dose of good feeling.

(s) Is this what we see constantly in the world?

(m) How could it not be?

(s) Is everyone chasing the good and running away from the bad? Are they misguided?

(m) Yes, but they are not misguided. It is all they know and therefore they are functioning by that which they have been exposed to.

(s) Is that not a bad thing?

(m) There is no bad. There is no good.

(s) Can a man act without needing to appear this way or that way?

(m) Yes, very rarely.

(s) From where does True action arise?

(m) A sincere and genuine desire//


A man is brought up by a society.

What is a society?

A concept.

This concept then creates subconcepts.

These subconcepts make up the world that a man knows.

Once conceptualized, he feels as if he is living in reality

But in essence, he could not be further away from it.

Why does man live life through concepts?

Because he himself is a concept.

Why does man not break free from these concepts?

Because he has no desire to do so.

Then what should he do?

The fact that this question arises

Is the greatest concept of all//

beyond teaching

Man is taught to think

But thinking produces more thought.

Man is taught to read

But all books are written and read for ulterior motives.

Man is taught to listen to experts

But the experts suffer from the very things they pretend to treat.

Man is taught to be scientific

But science shows the effect and never the cause.

Man is taught to be grateful

But what has he truly been given?

Man is taught to work on himself to get rid of his anxiety

But if man didn’t work to get his anxiety

Why would he need to work to get rid of it?//



And you run in a circle.

Read a book

And you are limited by someone else’s understanding.

Demonstrate effort

And that which you exert effort towards

Never comes to fruition

And if it does, it is never as you hope.


And that which you intellectualize never seems to hit home.


And you understand.


And you need nothing.


And you are transformed forever.


Because in needing nothing

You instantly gain everything//

tainted air

Society applauds doing.

It believes it is wise in propagating this notion.


Because it believes that in ‘doing’

Man will find that which his heart truly seeks.

The man who is reading this

Will be reading carefully

Why is this so?

Because he is convinced there is a message

That will tell him to implement a doing

In order to get to the place where he should be.

Is he to blame for this?

Absolutely not.

How can a man realize X

When his entire life he’s been taught to look only for Y?

Is the message of this short prose to not do anything?

No, it is not.

Then what is it?

There is no message.

And the fact that man is under the spell that there is

Is precisely why he lives in confusion and visceral unrest

Forever gasping at every straw

With the hopes that each passing message

Will have the elixir he truly needs//


Is there such thing as a friend?

Can one truly have a friend

Without first discovering his own self conflicts?

How can one be there for another human

If he has not arrived at wisdom?

Would he not be looking at satisfying his own need

Before that of a friend?

How can a man so fixated upon X

Be able to be there for Y

When his eyes have never truly looked at Y?

Does a friend truly exist?

How can a friend exist

If the foundation from where one acquires a friend is false?

What if the foundation was seen for what it it is?

What if the foundation was removed?

Where would one be able to stand?

Perhaps nowhere…

But it would matter not

For there would be no desire to stand in falseness//

dear child

With each coming year

The world will try to change you.

It will preach notions and rules

In the hopes that you adhere

And subsequently teach them to others.

It will tell you to be responsible

Loving, hard-working, humble.

The effect of this on your life is incalculable.

The day will come when it is just too much to bear

And you will long to return to the place

When things were insignificant and life floated by.

You will seek out methods and prescriptions in the hopes

That such things will ease some of the pain.

When you realize it does not

You will suffer in realizing that you wasted all those years.

And the suspicions you had at the onset of coming into this world

Were far more True than any sane human would want to admit.

For the ‘Why’s’ that you asked

Were not rooted in ego

But in a longing to understand what the hype was all about.

Dear child,

It is not you that should learn from adults

It is the adults that need to learn the purity from which you live

Before it is too late//

with age comes ignorance

Silence is a powerful thing

It stands tall

Yet quiet.

Of what use is it to speak

When what is spoken will surely not be heard?

Of what use is it to move

If that movement is not towards the ultimate?

Society is awashed with trite aphorisms

That keep man on a hook forever.

Why is it that man does not realize this?

If a man who is struck by psychosis

Speaks to another man who is struck by psychosis

What is the probability that either will realize something

Which they are not evolved to see?

It is akin to a man attempting to extract water from a rock.

Man seeks meaning in a world that is meaningless

Why is it meaningless?

Discussing this without seeing it for oneself

Is the most meaningless thing of all.

A man subscribes to rules

Because he is under the illusion that

The adherence to rules will

Bring him that which his heart seeks.

A train can indeed ride on the tracks

But can it ride on the real roads?

Silly man…

Rules do not beget wisdom

They destroy it in the womb//

master, what is mental health?

(m) A societal construct.

(s) What is normal mental health?

(m) There is no normal.

(s) Why?

(m) Because every human being suffers.

(s) Why do they suffer?

(m) Because the Mind itself is an illness.

(s) Should it not be that?

(m) There is no should. That question is precisely why it is.

(s) How is the Mind an illness?

(m) Do you experience anxiety, stress, depression, etc?

(s) I must say I do.

(m) These are all just categorizations of common phenomena.

(s) Can doctors help?

(m) They may prescribe some drugs.

(s) Do these work?

(m) What do you mean by work?

(s) Can they cure you?

(m) No.

(s) Can religion help?

(m) They may prescribe some austerities.

(s) Do these work?

(m) What do you mean by work?

(s) Can they cure you?

(m) No.

(s) Can spirituality help?

(m) They may prescribe mindfulness and meditation.

(s) Do these work?

(m) What do you mean by work?

(s) Can they cure you?

(m) No.

(s) Can self-help help?

(m) They may prescribe methods of betterment and improvement.

(s) Do these work?

(m) What do you mean by work?

(s) Can they cure you?

(m) No.

(s) Can therapy help?

(m) Talking about it may make you feel better for a few moments.

(s) Do these work?

(m) What do you mean by work?

(s) Can it cure you?

(m) No.

(s) Then what does?

(m) The realization that people seek fixes and not cures.

The realization that an intermediary is not a powerful enough impetus to cure.

The realization that you are alone.

The understanding that the human mind is beyond the understanding of lecture halls, books, laboratories, and sanctuaries.

The understanding that a human being functions when he has no other choice and anything else is just cosmesis and form//

master, what is the truth about happiness?

(m) A human lives in a constant state

Of anxiety, confusion, fear, uncertainty, worry.

He does not want to suffer.

He sees what others are doing

To ease their pain.

He reflexively pursues the idea of happiness

Because it sounds nice and proper.

He has no longing to understand why.

He reads books that tell him

What is good and healthy

And how he should behave.

He listens to people that tell him

That he should do this and not that.

He implements various modalities.

Develops a morning routine.

Practices mindfulness.

Writes in a gratitude journal.

And gets a glimpse of satisfaction.

He calls this improvement and betterment.

It does not last.

He remains lost and confused.

But hopeful.

He continues searching.

And dies never having arrived

At the stark realization

That happiness

Is nothing more than a fruitless chase.

Now, this begs the question…

If suffering did not exist

Would man still search for happiness?//

master, where does stress come from?

(m) When you are standing here

But wish to be over there

Stress is born.

When you are doing this

But wish to be doing that

Stress is born.

When the events of the world

Do not go as you expect

Stress is born.

For whatever the Mind desires…

It fears not getting it ten times as much.

That which you call stress

Is a complex scaffolding

Of fear and hope.

Such things inevitably produce

An incessant amount of involuntary thoughts.

Any attempt to fix or manage this

Seems logical, but it is misguided//

master, is money the root of all evil?

(m) If one wishes to live in society

Money is essential.

Its utilitarian value allows one to

Satisfy bodily comforts.

Aside from this one benefit

It has no meaning.

What about giving to the poor?

Those who wish to give may give.

Those who do not wish to give do not need to give.

Those who wish to give are not good or benevolent.

Those who do not wish to give are not bad or unkind.

There are no rules.

To covet money is a lie.

To celebrate money is a lie.

To denigrate money is a lie.

To deny money is a lie//

master, i do not know what to do

(m) There is nothing to do.

There is nothing not to do.

Attempting to chase comfort will lead you nowhere.

Attempting to face discomfort will lead you nowhere.

If you accept something you will pay.

If you confront something you will pay.

For both are reactions strategically designed

To get a dose of happiness.

The Truth is…

No one knows//

master, i see struggle everywhere

(m) What is easy?

(s) I do not know.

(m) The congruence of what you are doing

With what you really want to do.

(m) What is difficult?

(s) The opposite?

(m) Forcing yourself to do something

That you don’t really want to do.

(s) Why do I see many people struggling?

(m) Society has been teaching humans

For thousands of years

That in order to get somewhere…

You have to struggle, work hard and give penance.

(s) Is this wrong?

(m) There is no right or wrong.

(s) What is the effect of this?

(m) Even if struggle was required

To get from one X to Y.

What has happened is that man

Has fallen in love with the struggle

That he’s forgotten why he is struggling in the first place.

(s) So struggle has become the new goal and god to follow?

(m) Yes, my student that is precisely correct//

forever on a chase

Man spends his life not knowing what he wants.

He is told to live up to ideals

In order to ‘become’ this or that.

As a result, he spends his life pretending

Is this good or bad?

There is no good or bad.

Is this right or wrong?

There is no right or wrong.

Should he not be doing that?

There is no should.

What is it that he pretends?

He pretends to know what he wants.

Desperate and in a hurry to get nowhere

He spends his life self-adorning and accumulating

In hopes of getting a taste of life and all of its glory.

But how can a man on the run

Ever get a taste of what life has to offer?//

the conceptual world

The conceptual world

And reality are at odds.

Why would man need a concept

To see what really is?

If reality is not lived through Truth

Then it is by definition lived through concepts.

If concepts are not the Truth

Then they are by definition lies.

If something is a lie

Then it will by definition hurt you.

Living through concepts

Is a creation of the mind.

For it is the mind which gives birth to thought

And thought gives birth to concepts.

The thought of conceptualizing

Correctly or incorrectly

Is a disease that only a few survive.

For most will die not having seen that

ALL concepts are a circular loop that lead back to themselves.

Wise is he who sees without the intermediary of thought.

Wise is he who has the eyes to see around corners.

Wise is he who sees the emptiness of all that is conceptualized.

Wise is he who awakens and rises above all that he once believed to be true//

master, is this global pandemic a lesson?

(m) A human being is a fair-weathered fan.

He looks at the state of affairs

And organizes his fears and anxieties

According to the events that immediately surround him.

The question is not is this global pandemic a lesson.

The question is: when is it not a pandemic?

Pandemics have been happening since the beginning of time.

Wars are going on every single day

But the human has become anesthetized to them.

If you look at the state of affairs…

Psychotherapists on every corner are now commonplace

But the human sees this as normal.

If a pandemic isn’t going on

What does a human being spend his days doing?

If a house is collapsed

What difference does it make

If a few remaining screws fall?

There is no outrage about this.

There is simply the understanding that

A human’s life is in turmoil with or without a visible pandemic.

Aware is he who sees the pandemic within the pandemic.

Wise is he who examines the pandemic within himself//

master, why do you not let others challenge your viewpoint?

(m) Student, what is there to challenge?

(s) Your viewpoint.

(m) I have no viewpoint.

(s) You don’t?

(m) Student, how do you challenge air?

(s) Master, I don’t understand this.

(m) A challenge would only be born if I was telling another to do something or to believe what I say.

And I am not.

(s) Can you provide insight into this?

(m) A discussion implies

You say this

I say this.

And why would I want to hear how another man flushes the toilet?

And why would I want to explain how I flush the toilet?//

master, do humans ask what they want to ask?

(m) A human being does not ask what he wants to ask.

(s) Why is this so?

(m) He asks questions according to what he has been taught to ask

And how he has been taught to view things.

(s) What way is that?

(m) He views things through the lens of

Goodness and badness

Healthiness and unhealthiness

Correctness and incorrectness

Rightness and wrongness

Spirituality and religion

Self-help and self-improvement

Science and academia

Methods and techniques

Rituals and traditions.

Therefore, all of the questions

That he asks will naturally and necessarily

Arise from this fabric.

And since this fabric is fundamentally false

Then the questions that arise from this fabric

Will by definition always be false.

(s) I must say, the questions I want to are spawned by these things.

(m) I understand, student.

Let it be known that any path

A human walks

Is a direct manifestation

To the questions that he asks//

master, what is the truth behind reactions?

(m) Humans spend the whole of their lives reacting.

(s) How is this so?

(m) A human being fears being labeled a narcissist

So he becomes an empath.

He fears being labeled a pushover,

So he becomes a disciplinarian.

He fears being labeled cold,

So he becomes compassionate.

(s) Are these things not good?

(m) There is no good or bad.

(s) Then what of them?

(m) These things have no meaning.

They are disingenuous reactions

Strategically done to gain a favorable judgement

And live up to societally fabricated words.

(s) Why is this so?

(m) It is all a game a man plays to avoid self-conflict.

(s) Master, I must say I see this in myself.

(m) I understand, student.

(s) When will this stop and what can I do?

(m) It will perhaps benefit you to first understand where your feet touch the ground. For it is better to understand where things are not than where they are. The only reason a human being reacts is because he is not Free. The reason he is not Free is because he lives through the portal of his mind. The reason he lives through the portal of his mind is because he has been conditioned to do so//

master, what can i do?

(m) About what?

(s) Master, I see how others are affected by their own ego.

(m) Yes, I understand.

(s) Should I tell them that it is a trap they are in?

(m) Why would you do that?

(s) I do not want them to suffer.

(m) Why do you care?

(s) I want to be compassionate.

(m) Those things do not go anywhere.

(s) So should I let them know next time I see it?

(m) There is no should.

(s) Would some advice help them out?

(m) Since you posed the question implies you want to so it doesn’t matter what I say.

(s) Will it help them?

(m) Human organisms do not respond to advice.

(s) Then what can I do?

(m) My dear student you are suffering twice as much by having your own ego and wanting them not to have one//

master, why do i still feel this way?

(s) Master, I have been meaning to ask you.

(m) Ask directly, student.

(s) Why do I still suffer from anxiety?

(m) Because you are gaining something from it.

(s) How is that so? I hate this feeling!

(m) I have no interest in convincing you, I am just answering your question.

(s) I’ve tried all the methods and techniques to get rid of it.

(m) And yet you’re still asking how to get rid of it.

(s) I guess I feel slightly less anxious.

(m) Are you looking to feel a little better or be cured forever?

(s) I want to be cured forever.

(m) If that is your genuine and sincere desire, you will arrive at a cure.

(s) But how?

(m) There is no how…

If we went outside and I put a pile of mud on your hands what would you do?

(s) Drop it and then go wash my hands.

(m) Why?

(s) Because I have no use for it.

(m) Understand this student: things automatically get dropped when they no longer serve a useful purpose//

master, is life effortless or effortful?

(m) It is effortless to he who has seen.

It is a struggle to he who has not seen.

(s) Master, but sometimes life oscillates between effortless and effortful, is that not normal?

(m) It matters not what I say, the only great significance is that you believe it is.

(s) But this oscillation is too much to bear.

(m) I understand, my student.

(s) Master, I see you go through life effortlessly, how did you arrive at such a place?

(m) Uncompromising Desire.

(s) The world teaches you that struggle is requisite to live a fulfilled life.

(m) I see, student.

(s) Are they incorrect?

(m) It matters not if it is correct or incorrect, the only thing that matters is your own evidence. Of all the things that you have experienced, have they resulted in any form of permanent satisfaction?

(s) No, they have not.

(m) At this juncture, it would be wise to proceed with that understanding.

For the only difference between the one who goes through life effortlessly and the one who struggles is that one views it as a choice and the other does not//

master, why do you not teach the masses?

(m) There is nothing to teach, student.

(s) But I have learned so much from you Master.

(m) If you have learned is because you were ripe to do so.

(s) So it isn’t because you sought to teach me?

(m) That is precisely correct, student.

(s) But the world teaches you to show others what you know.

(m) I see.

(s) Does it work?

(m) No.

(s) Why?

(m) Human beings learn much more through the vehicle of inspiration rather than information.

For he who seeks to teach will have disappointment and anger knocking on his door//

master, why do people chase?

(m) Others don’t matter, the only person that matters is you.

(s) Why is that?

(m) When you go to sleep do you think about your neighbors?

(s) No, I do not.

But I feel like everything I chase does not fulfill me, Master.

(m) Yes, a human spends his entire life chasing.

(s) Is this natural?

(m) The only way it would not be natural

Is if he did not reach that which he chases.

When a human is hungry, he eats.

When a human is thirsty, he drinks.

When a human is tired, he sleeps.

When a human mourns, he cries.

What a human wants, he gets.

What a human does not want, he does not get.

It cannot be otherwise.

(s) Then why does a human spend his entire life chasing?

(m) It is all he’s been exposed to.

And because it is all he’s been exposed to…

It is precisely all that he knows.

(s) Is it bad or wrong to chase?

(m) There is nothing bad or wrong with anything.

(s) Then why does a human spend his entire life chasing?

(m) Because he is under the belief that chasing leads somewhere.

And that belief is spawned by the need to be happy.

Belief chokes him.

Hope suffocates him.

If one day he comes to the stark realization

He will understand that…

That which he chases

Will always run away from him.

That which he does not chase

But he feels he cannot live without…

Will inevitably be attracted to him

And thus come to him//

master, how do you feel on a daily basis?

(m) If I say great or terrible

What does that do for you?

This question has no meaning.

Understand this student,

Your life is more important to you

Than my life.

Learning about your self is more important to you

Than learning about me.

What happens to you is more important to you

Than what happens to me.

How you live your life is more important to you

Than how I live my life.

How and what you feel on a daily basis is more important to you

Than how I feel.

Understand this student.

It is ALL about your life.

There is no other//

asking for the “how” is not genuine

(m) If you were thrown into a lake…

Would you ask me how to swim?

(s) I suppose not.

(m) If your hair caught fire…

Would you ask me how to get rid of the fire?

(s) No, I would not.

(m) If there was a snake under your chair…

Would you ask me what to do?

(S) No, I would not.

(m) If you were in a bus that was teetering off a cliff…

Would you ask me what part of the bus you should go to?

(s) I must say, I would not seek guidance in any of these situations.

(m) Dear student, it is not just these situations.

Understand this student…

For all things that are genuine

A way develops.

For all things that are not

A method is sought.

(s) Why?

(m) Because for all manners that are deeply personal

A human being will take matters into his own hands

And never relegate anything away//

the perfect decision

(s) Does the perfect decision exist?

(m) Yes.

(s) What is the perfect decision?

(m) The decision that does not stem

From reactivity nor interference.

(s) Does it produce the perfect result?

(m) Outwardly, it may.

Inwardly, always.

(s) Is the content of the decision all that matters?

(m) The content of the decision is largely irrelevant.

What matters is the source of the decision//

master, i see many suffering, what can i do?

(m) There is nothing to do.

There is nothing not to do.

Any act rooted in should or should not

Will lead you nowhere

But to the need to replenish that which has not the power to satiate.

(s) Then what can I do to ease the suffering of others?

(m) You will do whatever you are compelled to do.

But understand this dear student:

All human beings suffer.

And there is nothing you can ‘do’ about this.

All human being’s are on their own.

And there is nothing you can ‘do’ about this.

You cannot take another human being’s suffering away.

And there is nothing you can ‘do’ about this.

Ask “then what should I do?”

And you will have missed.

See this without the intermediary of thought

And you will have Understood//

master, how does belief cripple man?

(m) Human beings have a habit of subscribing to belief.

Their litmus test for subscribing to beliefs

Is if a particular belief sounds nice and proper.

(s) Can beliefs be correct?

(m) Correct or incorrect are concepts. They have no meaning.

(s) How do beliefs affect me?

(m) Beliefs are interference.

(s) How so?

(m) Whenever a human believes the stories that others tell him

He is massively and enormously limited.

Whenever a human believes the stories that his mind tells him

He is massively and enormously limited.

Either a human knows or he does not know.

(s) So is the key to change or abandon my beliefs?

(m) There is no need to abandon that which never existed

For that is more imprisonment in disguise.

(s) So what can I do?

(m) Where does the sun rise?

(s) The East.

(m) Where does the sun set?

(s) The West.

(m) Do you need to believe me?

(s) No.

(m) Why not?

(s) I can just go outside and look//

master, i see many relationships failing

(m) All relationships are an extension

And a mirror of the relationship

A human has with himself.

(s) How so?

(m) If a human was to innocently look at

All of the relationships in his life…

He would See nothing

But cracks in the foundation.

For in Truth…

Most of them are based upon

An intricate web of need

Beyond a physical level

And into an emotional level.

Such relationships are always

In the stages of construction.

Mending here, destroying there.

Fighting here, making up there.

Arguing here, forgiving there.

Giving here, taking there.

(s) I must say I See this in all my relationships.

Why is the pain of a relationship acceptable to most?

(m) Because although a human experiences pain…

He also experiences a few glimpses of joy.

And this is where he has built a home.

Forever subject to the tremors of circumstance//

the improvement and betterment chase

(s) Master, I want to change.

(m) Why do you want to change?

(s) I see many unhealthy patterns.

(m) Okay, what happens if you become healthier?

(s) It will make my life better.

(m) What does better mean?

(s) That I am more conscious and less reactive.

(m) Okay, so what if you’re more conscious?

(s) Then I won’t be operating from a place of reactivity.

(m) Okay, so you’re not reacting as much. Now what?

(s) Then I am not bothered as much.

(m) Okay, so you’re less bothered. Then what?

(s) I Don’t Know.

(m) Student, those are the most sincere words you have said.

All improvement is a chase.

All self-development is a lie.

All change is a farce.

All betterment is a scam.

All progress is insincere.

And it is the steady realization of this

Born out of the impetus to know

That will perhaps take you to a new plane of existence

In which you starkly see your own affliction.

And it is only then that you have a chance//

master, biology says we are social creatures

(s) Biology has said we are social creatures.

Is this True?

(m) No, it isn't student.

(s) Why?

(m) The why is irrelevant because it requires convincing.

I am not here to convince.

(s) But master, I would really like to know.

I have believed this all of my life.

(m) Nothing happens by information, student.

Should a sincere desire to explore spawn within you…

That alone will reveal to you the Truth.

It would perhaps benefit you to understand this:

Biology is only interested in justifying itself.

Human beings care only about how they feel.

Human beings are not social creatures.

They are egoic ones.

The ego craves acceptance and validation.

And thus serves as the impetus

Which creates sheep-like behavior.

And so they walk around with masks

(s) Is that wrong?

(m) There is nothing wrong or right about this.

It is just the state of affairs//

master, the barking never stops

(m) When the Mind does not stop barking,

You wish to feel the pleasure of peace.

The conscious attempt to end the barking,

Is what is perpetuating the barking.

For the only reason the Mind is barking in the first place,

Is because you wish to fulfill the pleasure of desire.

For when there is desire, there is fear//

master, i see many working hard

(s) Does hard work pay off?

(m) No, it does not student.

(s) Then why do people preach that as the way?

(m) Because they do not know the Truth.

(s) What is the Truth?

(m) The results that you long for matter…

(s) Hard work is completely secondary.

(m) Humans have fallen in love with the struggle

That they have forgotten the reason

They are struggling in the first place.

(s) Then why do most people subscribe to hard work?

(m) It is largely done as a reaction to anxiety,

And a camouflage to show others and themselves that they did.

The human who chases the concept of hard work

Will never in his lifetime leave struggle//

positive self-talk

(m) If you tell yourself that you are great

What is your Mind going to say back?

(s) That you are not great.

(m) Who’s voice is going to tire out faster?

(s) I guess I have not really thought about it.

(m) Positive thoughts and negative thoughts

Are one and the same.

Both arise in the Mind and thus

Belong wholly and squarely to the Mind.

And it is for this reason that positive self-talk

May work one time but not another.

For it will always come with a shelf life//

master, can i cultivate seriousness?

(m) Cultivating seriousness as an act

Of effort or any conscious doing is false.

Cultivating seriousness as a byproduct

Of understanding past patterns is Truth.

A fundamental truth about human beings

Is that a human being will get away with

That which he can get away with.

If he does not have to own up to something

He will not.

(s) What is the natural effect of this?

(m) The natural effect is that things

Will eventually begin to fall apart.

As a result, one is compelled to get more serious.

For in seeing where it isn’t

He gains insight into where it is//

master, what of failure?

(m) It doesn’t exist.

Human beings enjoy worshiping

Words, ideas, and concepts.

And it is for this reason that they

Create, admire, and celebrate

Anything and everything that has to do

With not getting anywhere.

In Truth, all of these concepts

In whatever way they manifest,

Are a reaction to a deep-seated fear.

Let it be known that…

That which is genuine

Is never relegated.

Whenever there is sincerity

A way develops.

Whenever there is not

Disingenuous queries sought//

master, where does learning begin?

(m) A human is not taught to learn.

He is taught to accumulate knowledge.

The more he accumulates,

The larger his ego grows.

Of what use is it to memorize

Words, ideas, or concepts

Without understanding the Whole?

A human does not learn in a mass environment.

A human does not learn by attending conferences.

A human does not learn through fleeting motivation.

He does this for entertainment purposes

And to show to others and himself

That he is doing something for the sake of doing.

While secretly gaining the necessary ammunition

To show the mind that he is becoming more improved.

Who, then, is ready to learn?

The Way is not sold on the open market.

The Way is not taught in school or in social gatherings.

The Way is hidden for the sincere individual

Who decides to come forward and demonstrates

The genuine desire and longing to learn//

master, what do humans fear most?

(m) Humans do not fear another.

They fear themselves.

(s) How so?

(m) Humans fear what their reaction will be

To the reaction of the other.

(s) Why would they fear this?

(m) Because they would lose control of

Who they believe themselves to be.

(s) What else do humans fear?

(m) Humans fear the feelings that will arise

As a result of another’s reaction

Or from situations that

Bring with them consequences.

A human that plays a sport

Does not fear losing

He fears the feeling that losing creates.

All conflict is self-conflict

Including the conflict that fear creates//

likes and dislikes

A human being’s life consists of

Likes and dislikes.

These likes and dislikes

Give birth to “good” and “bad.”

He then proceeds to cultivate the “good” feelings

And run away from the “bad” feelings.

Life takes its own course without consulting him.

He longs for this and has an aversion for that.

And thus he lives a life filled with anxiety and fear.

Why does a human being have likes and dislikes?

He does not and never has.

Then from where do these likes and dislikes arise?

From the set of personality traits

A human has believed himself to be.

As his personalities go, so does the human//

master, can the self be destroyed?

(m) Man does not know who he is.

And more importantly who he is not.

As a result, he creates an image.

This image is based upon

What is good and what is bad.

What he should do and what he shouldn’t do.

What society deems to be healthy, successful, or morally right.

(s) Is there anything wrong with this?

(m) No.

Man is told to love himself, to be himself, to improve himself.

This has made him a semi-functional schizophrenic

Who is subject to moods, emotions, and conflicting thoughts.

He spends his days chasing words, ideas, and concepts

That simply do not exist.

A false concept and a false person

Only perpetuates falseness.

(s) Does the self exist?

(m) No.

(s) What pumps blood?

(m) The heart.

(s) What inhales and exhales?

(m) The lungs.

(s) What is typing these words?

(m) The fingers.

(s) What sees these words?

(m) The eyes.

There is no person behind all of this.

The error of thinking that there is

Brings a life of torment, anxiety, and misery.

When there is a Me, there must be a You,

Where there are two, there will be differences.

And where there are differences, there will be conflict.

(s) How can we get rid of this self?

(m) Dear student, please answer this:

How can you get rid of something that has never existed?//

master, why does the mind assault man?

The Mind has existed for millennia.

And science has yet to come to the realization

That its inner workings are beyond

What any intellect can decipher.

Beware, for the intellect

Can get you praise in social gatherings

But it has no say in the domain of the Mind.

The Truth appears paradoxical

To a conditioned Mind.

For it completely destroys all that

Humans have believed to be True.

The Mind does not assault man for his weaknesses.

It assaults him for his attempt to fix them.

The Mind does not assault man for his mistakes.

It assaults him for his attempt to cover them up.

The Mind does not assault man for his failures.

It assaults him for his lack of desire to examine them//

master, how can i get rid of my problems?

The most acute problems in your life

Are not meant to be fixed.

For any attempt to fix them

Will send you on an endless

Goose chase of more and more fixes.

And thus create more and more problems.

No human wants to look at his problems.

He wants a fix to his problems.

Understand this dear student,

The most acute problems in your life

Are problems meant to be understood.

To reflexively jump to an outside solution

Is to fundamentally misunderstand.

For the solution to any problem

Lies in the deep center of the problem.

They are not two different things.

And the only one who finds the ‘solution’

Is the one who looks at the problem.

For only then will he begin,

To naturally understand the problem.

And of what use is something when it is seen as false?

For Ultimate Freedom From all of your problems

Lies in understanding where things come from,

Not in your efforts to try and end them//

choiceless art

The creation of pure art is not a choice.

The action that stems from purity is not a choice.

Choice is the luxury of the fickle mind

Who wishes to procrastinate.

When a human genuinely enters the domain

Where the possibility of not making it

Is in no way acceptable to him.

Then he begins to take matters into his own hands

And not relegate anything to middlemen.

Knowing that he will arrive one way or another

Will give rise to a calm and natural confidence

That stems from the purity of his intentions.

For this purity will be the impetus

That allows him to access all of his faculties

Which guide his every action…

Until the vision is all that remains//


Attachment is the greatest poison of your life.

And a central source of human misery and strife.

Attachment exists far beyond relationships.

It is embedded into everything that you do

And all that you believe yourself to be.

Your beliefs, opinions, habits, prejudices, perceptions,

Wealth, spirituality, moral righteousness, etc…

This is neither good nor bad.

This is neither right nor wrong.

There is no should be or should not be.

For if you look at things through

These lens you will have missed.

It is not about ‘De-tachment.’

It is not about ‘what can you do.’

It is about Understanding what attachment does

To you on a day-to-day level.

It is about Understanding the chaos and devastation

That ensues on account of attachment.

It is about Understanding how deep and subtle

The intricate web of need runs.

It is about looking within yourself

And Seeing all the ways in which you are bounded.

Only then does the possibility of living

A life free of attachment become possible.

It is not about fixing anything,

It is not about doing anything,

It is not about following anything,

It is about Seeing everything//

a leader seeks perfection not perfectionism

The perfect leader

Has no desire to lead

And as such

Leads without a need having to be fulfilled.

The perfect leader

Has conquered ALL need to be liked

And as such

Does not suffer from internal conflict.

The perfect leader

Never compromises on his vision

And as such

Leads by uncompromise.

The perfect leader

Has understood how humans learn

And as such

Leads by inspiration, not information.

The perfect leader

Is at all times self-honest

About the purity of his intentions

And as such

Does not allow his actions

To stem from reactivity or interference.

The perfect leader

Has arrived at wholeness within himself

And as such

Does not need his subordinates to do well.

The perfect leader

Has devoted his life to studying his mind

And as such

Handles any and all situations

With deftly and aplomb//

master, why did you leave the world?

If the journey of life is lived

Through a worldly and domestic existence

Then there is a constant struggle

In order to achieve satisfaction.

This compels a human to chase

Pleasurable experiences,

Various forms of success,

In order to give himself a greater

Self-image and self-worth

In the hopes of arriving at

Permanent satisfaction.

This is neither good nor bad.

But does drill the point

That nothing truly lasts.

If a human comes to truly

Understand this in his lifetime

Then there is no other option

But to leave the world

Without any effort or conscious doing//


Whenever a human

Fights with another

It is his own discomfort

That he is fighting with.

For if he was wholly

Content and satisfied with

Who he fundamentally was,

Then he would never

Be affected to the point of conflict//

non-moral honesty

A human is not taught to be honest.

He is taught to be clever.

If he pursues honesty

It is for an ulterior motive.

It is to be good.

It is because he thinks he should.

Honesty, in this sense,

Is pursued by way of self-image.

Not Understanding.

It is not a human being’s fault

He is not honest.

For the bumper stickers

He subscribes to

Carry with them half-truths

With exceptions and disclaimers

That forever keep him on the hook.

The Truth is that constructs

Forever keep a human from Seeing

The strings behind the stage.

If one day a human comes to the stark Realization

That honesty is the only effective way

To truly build a home in which

Its foundation is solid and not shifting sand.

Then he will have arrived at the understanding

That the human heart responds to honesty.

Not because it’s good nor because it should.

But because it has no other choice.

Having arrived at the Truth

That honesty works

Without anyone’s consent.

Then all of his thoughts and actions

Will begin to arise from clarity and wisdom

Without any reason to record it in memory//

master, is effort needed to remove turmoil?

Look at the most acute problems in your life.

Anxieties, fears, worries, concerns…

Disappointments, nervousness…

Uncertainty, confusion, stress…

Did you work to get any of these emotions?

Then why would you to need work to get rid of them?

The world will never tell you this,

For it does not fit into its flowery narrative,

But effort indicates a lack of understanding

And an empty chase that leads only to

False hope and struggle.

Effort is no match to a non-choice filled desire

To truly wanting to know and examining

Not because you should,

But because you see no other way…

Into why and how the most acute problems

In your life were born.

Without the slightest attempt

To fix, manage, or treat them//


A human does not know who he is.

And more importantly

Who he is not.

Nothing in his life

Is built upon a solid foundation.

And thus he is left withered and hungry.

Due to his fragmented nature

He proceeds to try and ‘fix’ his problem

In conspicuous and

Ever-so-subtle ways.

Yet these reactions will have

Stemmed from a deep seated fear.

A fear he has never Seen and Understood

But taught for the whole of his life to act upon.

In every situation, event, or circumstance

He strategizes the best way

He can use it to fill holes within himself.

In the hopes of being able to garner

And string together enough validation

So that he can live with himself//

the mind has psychology for lunch

When the Truth is not known,

Experts begin to offer surrogates of the Truth.

When they are presented a problem

They fall hook, line, and sinker

For the problem being presented to them.

And begin the road towards treatment and therapy.

Psychologists may understand behavior.

But behaviors are cosmetic

And lead only to a very superficial

Understanding about the state of the human.

For no human says or does what they truly feel.

The Truth is never the behavior that is seen or said.

The Truth is the longing to know the Truth about the behavior.

The Truth is the unimaginable source of the behavior.

And that is far beyond any intellectualization

Found in laden academic journals.

For the Mind has existed before you were born.

It governs nations and conducts wars.

It regulates your habits, beliefs, and perceptions.

It creates thoughts which spawn different emotions.

It has controlled mankind since the beginning of time.

Psychology is interested only in psychology.

And as such, the Mind will continue to have it for

Breakfast, lunch, and dinner.

It can all be Seen

If one comes to the stark realization that

There is no more time to waste//


(s) Master, I’ve been meaning to ask you.

(m) Ask directly student.

(s) Does help really exist?

What is this concept of help?

Help who?

Why is it that man is far more interested

In helping another

Before helping himself?

Who is really being helped?

There is no judgement here,

I am sincerely asking.

What is the Truth about help master?

(m) Helping another is clever trick

Man has at his disposal

To make himself feel good.

And at the same time,

He gets the luxury of

Avoiding his own problems

By strictly focusing on

Another’s problems.

He will then continue to reinforce

This image and label himself

Under the banner of ‘good.’

One day he will wonder

Why his ‘good’ deeds have never paid off.

(s) I guess I’ve never thought about it that way Master.

(m) Nor should you have, student. This is how the world has conditioned humans.

Now, this begs the question…

If helping another made him feel bad,

Would he still do it?//


Humans have been conditioned

To seek betterment

And improvement.

These learned behaviors

Will forever keep them

Bailing water out of a sinking

Boat for the rest of their lives.

For one cannot improve himself,

He can improve only his self-image.

It is precisely the human that understands this,

Who is able to look beyond the scaffolding

Upon which these false notions rest,

And ultimately arrive at Truth in all things//

master, who is ready to learn?

The human that asks for the ‘how’

Will never be ready to learn.

For he has not Seen

That chasing leads nowhere

But to running in endless circles.

He wants to accumulate.

He wants to self-adorn.

With nowhere to go,

And no longing for the Truth

He falls in love with the struggle.

And dies never having arrived at Realization.

The only human ready to learn

Is the one who comes forward

And genuinely says he’s had enough.

For the sincere longing to know,

Will reveal to him life’s most precious jewels

Which are not sold in the open market//

master, is there anything to teach?

Widely accepted are the assumptions

That flow through the air of society.

It is for this very fact,

That the questions posed

By the societal man

Remain superficial and disingenuous.

There is nothing to teach.

There is nothing to say.

For what would be said,

Would not be in their experience

And thus fall upon deaf ears//


Look at your relationships.

You put humans under certain categories.

And ascribe to them certain characteristics

For which they are not capable of satisfying.

Your attachment to them is disingenuous.

For it is based upon your own projected image

And the preconceived notion of how they should act.

Which inevitably produces conflict,

And leads only to disappointment//


You are standing here

And want to go there.

In order to go there,

You must first know where you are.

If something is here,

And you understand that it will always be here,

Then it is not difficult to go there on demand.

If you do not know where something is.

And you try to practice your way there.

You will never reach it.

Man is taught to practice,

But never to arrive//


That which speaks to you are not words.

Words have never changed anyone,

And have not the power to transform.

What speaks to you…

Is the genuineness of your search.

What speaks to you…

Is the seriousness of your devotion.

What speaks to you…

Is the uncompromising vision you’ve set forth//

personal decisions

Decisions that are deeply personal

Must be protected from any

Advice, feedback, or opinion.

Only in this way can man,

Conserve the purity of his decision

And the source from where it arose…

Without any outside noise.

Decisions that do not matter,

Are precisely the ones he can consult

An external party for ‘advice’//


When man Realizes the consequences

Of seeking external or internal validation,

Indifference will begin to enter his bloodstream.

Having seen the futility of it all,

And no longer anyone to impress,

All that he’s been imprisoned to,

Will begin to loosen its hold.

He will be Free to create and do

Without the hope for success

Or the fear of failure//

master, what is life?

Peer into your heart,

See with innocence,

Realize where you Truly are,

Understand what you Truly are,

Proceed without baggage,

Seek with sincerity,

Walk in silence,

Explore with joy//

cures cure, treatments perpetuate

To manage anger is to perpetuate it.

To treat anxiety is to perpetuate it.

To deal with stress is to perpetuate it.

Temporary reliefs breed false hope,

And are nothing more than fighting words.

For they are an intermediary,

That gives these emotions the permission

To build a home inside of you//


All of the roles you play,

Are an attempt to patch holes within yourself.

This leads to confusion,

But confusion is the time to learn.

That your allegiance,

Is to your Freedom above all else//

bring peace to your life first

Being outraged about the state of affairs

Is yet another form of procrastination.

A desire to change the world

Is yet another reaction borne out of ego.

If a human is Truly sincere,

He will begin where he is and not where he should be.

Having Seen where his feet touch the ground,

He will have understood his most acute needs.

And he will begin to naturally gravitate towards

Attaining Peace in his own life//

he who is at peace

The man at Peace

Does not entertain the idea

Of harming another.

Rules and principles

Have no use for him.

For they were not crafted for him.

They were designed for the societal man

Who feels he needs to abide by these rules

In order to stop himself from doing

That which he secretly

Does not view as ‘bad’//

reactive desires

What a man wants

Is born out of a subtle reaction

To what he does not want.

For if there was no misery,

He would not seek pleasure.

For if there was no arrogance,

He would not seek humility.

For if there was no disappointment,

He would not seek hope.

For if there was no sadness,

He would not seek happiness.

These are all but an escape

From the tremors of circumstance.

For if the turmoil ceased to exist,

Man would end all goose chases.

And the things he was instructed

To chase for the whole of his life

Would begin to arrive at his doorstep.

Not because he wants them.

But because of his genuine abandonment

Of all need to have them//


The human organism

Is addicted to reactions.

Reactions have consequences.

Such consequences lead to problems.

Naturally this organism sets on a journey

To be free from the problems he’s imprisoned to.

He begs for advice

And gets a handful of fixes that sound nice.

But ones that address only the cosmesis of his problems.

He seeks treatments.

He seeks ointments.

He seeks methods.

He seeks prescriptions.

And goes through life not having Realized

That such constructs lead nowhere

But to chasing things that do not exist.

For the Truth is not found

In ceiling leaky windows.

It is found in the sincere exploration

To want to understand

What the ‘disliked’ action

Was a reaction to//

a road back to your inner child

The finely paved roads

And white picket fences

Have domesticated you

To a life of knowledge

And endless seeking.

For the pride of knowledge

Has not the power to satiate you.

And of what good is knowledge

Without wonder?

As a child,

You did not think.

You just did.

And now that you’ve started to show wrinkles,

Your deepest wish

Is to come in contact with that child

You left stranded on the dirt path.

A dirt path that had no footprints

Other than the curiosity of where the path may lead.

You may come in contact with him again

Or you may not.

But if you do,

What will you say?

Will you try to sprinkle him with advice

And all your newfound knowledge?

Or will you drop to your knees

In awe of his innocence and wisdom,

And vow to never

Turn your back on him again?//

master, what do humans truly crave?

Look around and see.

Man does not respond

To trite aphorisms,

Motivational speeches,

Regurgitated self-help jargon,

Constructive Feedback,

Or information.

What man craves

Is to come in contact with that one individual,

Who finally sees and understands

The nature of his quest.

What man craves is for someone who respects,

The power and talent within him.

What a man craves above all else,

Is Inspiration//

clarity begets wisdom

The portal of identity

Is the source of all suffering.

To live a life as your ‘self’

Is to not have lived at all.

Every action is rooted

In a subtle desire to

Protect this ‘self.’

For you know not another way to live.

But when will be the day

You thank this ‘self’ for all of the good times

And say goodbye?

There is no good or bad.

And to look upon this as such,

Is noble,

But misguided.

The day will come when you will See

The superfluousness of it all.

And from that day forward

You will begin to stand on two feet.

Now this begs the question…

Will you still be alive to see it?//

an effect is not a cause

Everything arises spontaneously

When man feels he has no other choice.

‘Hard work








Are all intermediaries

That man uses to masquerade the fact

That he Truly does not know

And that he Truly does not want it.

For these reactions are borne

From a deep seated anxiety

That he secretly knows

Is not a powerful enough impetus

To bring transformation//

association leads to limitation

In every corner of the world

Humans differ not.

For the Mind spares no one.

Falling under the habit

That humans differ

Is one of man’s greatest imprisonments.

Association leads to limitation.

Not because those close to him

Wish to bring him down.

But because of who they are//

non-choice desire

That which is difficult

Is only difficult

When man procrastinates.

That which is difficult

Is only difficult

When man feels has a choice.

That which is difficult

Is only difficult

When man seeks the ‘how.’

The which is difficult

Becomes easy

To the man who has seen

That the only clock that matters

Is not the one that counts up

But the one that counts down.

For that man has no choice

But to do all of the things

His heart yearns for//


True transformation

Is accessed only at the extremes.

Those espousing the middle way,

Have not the longing to go all in.

They’ve subscribed to hope

Secretly knowing

That Nature takes its own course.

For balance and moderation

Are born from a deep seated reaction

Of not knowing

What one truly desires.

And a procrastination

Of thinking he will be here forever//

what is

All that you have done

Or accomplished

In the name of success,


Or Spirituality,

Will inevitably turn to dust.

The secret lies in coming

To See that dust

While you live.

For then you will have learned

Life’s greatest lesson.

And seen the futility of attachment

For What It is.

The hills will call for you,

And all that you have ever wanted

Will be available.

For in seeing that there is nothing

And that you need nothing,

You will have gained everything//


Freedom lies

In seeing things

As they truly are.

Freedom is hidden,

But readily available

To the sincerest of individuals

Who are naturally compelled to leap

And examine where things come from,

Without the conscious attempt to end them//

endless illusion

Life is a struggle

To the man who

Lacks the understanding

That happiness leads nowhere

But to running in endless circles.

There may be benefits.

But why settle for benefits

When he forfeits the Ultimate,

And is left forever hungry and cold//

slings and arrows

The rain will never stop.

To classify that experience

As either good or bad,

You will have missed.

The Way lies in Understanding

That the rain need not be stopped.

But seen for what it is.

You may carry an umbrella

Or you may not.

But to condemn it or talk about it

Is to enter a prison with invisible bars//

the moment

The past is gone, the future does not exist.

You are left with the only thing that never truly dies.

If you truly seek the moment,

The moment must mean more to you than anything else.

In order to taste the nectar of life,

There can be no experiencer.

There can be only the experience//

nature of the path

The genuineness of your search,

Determines the nature of your path.

He who is on the path of prescription,

Is on the path of prescription from the very first step.

Forever looking for feathers to place in his cap.

Progress, Improvement, Betterment.

These are but reactions man uses

To adorn his waiting room,

And celebrate not having arrived anywhere

Of lasting satisfaction.

The Seeker is on the path of Truth,

From the moment a non-choice filled desire

Spawns his journey.

He does not seek progress,

Or subscribe to institutionalized constructs.

Not because they are good or bad.

But because these concepts do not exist

On his sincere quest

To Ultimate Freedom//


Rare is the man

Who desires to know the great Truths.

And longs to know the way to the well.

Rare is the man

Who has an uncompromising vision.

And remains unshaken by strong winds.

Rare is the man

Who Nature realizes has an unwavering sincerity.

And upon peering into his heart,

Has no choice but to bestow upon him,

Through some form of grace,

Life’s deepest secrets.

Knowing that it would be releasing them into safe hands//

the way

Where there is insincerity,

A method is sought.

In looking for a method,

Man becomes blind to the Way.

For in looking for a method,

He becomes blind to the things

Standing in his way.

Wise is he who is at all times self-honest.

For it is precisely with that genuineness

That the Way develops//

the self

They say that it matters only

What man thinks of himself.

Let it be known

That the man who thinks anything of himself,

Cannot help but be concerned about what others think of him.

Though he may deny it until his death bed.

It cannot be otherwise.

For the rules and parameters he uses to judge his self

Are built upon a scaffolding of untruth.

Forever subject to live like a leaf in the wind.

For in Truth,

Where there is any type of self-image,

That image will never be enough//

dear meditator

Have you not gone on enough chases?

What have they gotten you?

Let it be known,

He who sees himself meditating,

Is only going through the motions.

And it is inevitable that he will create more problems

In the world of meditation.

And all of his other problems,

Will be patiently waiting for him,

When he’s done meditating.

For he has sought out meditation

By way of self-image,

Not Understanding.

Falling under the spell

That meditation is a cause,

And not a natural effect,

Is pure folly.

For if meditation was so effective,

Then why not spend more time doing it?

If all that is sought are physiological benefits,

Why not take a hot shower and be done with it?

Oh, I see.

You want the drama.

Parroting the idea that

Meditation feels good

And enhances your productivity.

What is it?

Six minutes?

Twenty minutes?

One hour?

Group meditation?

For the real meditation would be,

To stand full witness to the Truth that this is yet

Another surrogate you have used,

To accumulate and self-adorn//

ignorance is expensive

Man never had a chance.

He was taught to do this or that.

To run over here or over there.

Every action stemming

From the good and the should.

Without the slightest suspicion to question,

The conditioning continues.

Step outside and look.

Nature does not struggle.

Gravity does not struggle.

Why struggle friend?

On the surface,

He may in fact succeed.

But of what use is it to succeed,

When the whole journey was filled with anxiety?//


Thought is interference,

Self-Image is interference,

Belief is interference,

Attachment is interference,

Methods and techniques are interference,

From What Is//

the perfect decision

The Perfect decision

Does not exist in books.

The Perfect decision

Is not hacked through a checklist.

The Perfect decision,

Is that precise decision,

Not born out of reactivity or interference.

Nor fear or excitement.

When conscience does not open its mouth,

The Perfect decision will always produce the Perfect result//


Seeking pleasure to remove misery

Is akin to putting cologne on body odor.

For all pleasure in the end

Is but a scenic route to pain//

art emerges

All True Art

Emerges by the genuineness of your search...

He who seeks the how...

He who teaches the how...

Has entered into a lifelong contract of need, confusion, and struggle//

dear children

The purity and innocence in your eyes

Is what the adult longs for the whole of his life.

You are Free.

Adults think they are//

you love your problems

The problems in your life,

Are precisely the ones you use,

To justify your existence.

For if someone offered to rid you of a few,

You would gladly acquiesce.

But if someone offered to rid you of all,

You would fight them until your last living day//

desire and fear

That which you desire,

Will breed hope.

That which you hope,

Will breed expectation.

That which you expect,

Will breed fear.

That which you fear,

Will breed anxiety.

That which you are anxious about,

Will breed tension.

And any action born out of tension,

Will rob you from your craft.

For it will have been born out of ego and not surrender//

self-improvement is a dead end

Self-improvement is a dead end.

That will keep you running in circles.

For that which you chase,

Will run from you.

A concept built on shifting sand.

With fabricated rules and societal constructs.

Why keep chasing , friend?

But for the mere illusion that you are becoming better.

In this struggle and desire to become better,

You fail to See where you Truly are.

And forfeit the artistry and ingenuity,

That has always been your birthright//

indifference is a side-effect

Understanding that there is nothing,

Indifference begins to enter his bloodstream.

And the reason he pursues anything at all,

Is for the sheer delight of truly experiencing,

Not personal responsibility.

Nor hope or accolades.

With no need to gain,

He instantly gains everything.

And confidence never leaves his side//

the past and future

Your gaze is fixed upon

The glimmering light on the horizon.

Your heart is fixed upon

The dopamine rush of achievement.

Your attention is fixed upon the search for happiness.

But in these searches my dear friend,

You sacrifice today.

And forever miss out on the only thing

That never truly dies//


If it comes by way of Understanding,

It was born out of Wisdom.

If it comes by way of self-image,

It was born out of ego//

success does not harm, attachment does

Great riches, success, luxury do not harm man.

For he is not better or worse for it.

Wise is the man who keeps such things at arm’s length.

Doomed is the man who slaps his name across all his achievements//


When you have no choice,

Reality is easy.

When you lose all hope,

Reality reveals itself//

circumstances do not cause pain

Look around and see.

Circumstances reveal anxiety, fear, worry, concern, hope, emotional upheaval.

But they do not cause it.

These emotions have become commonplace in the world,

And man is told to put bandaids and tiger balm on them.

But in the desperation to get rid of his pain,

He forever misses the source from which they arise//

be careful spiritual seeker

Understanding spiritual concepts do not harm man.

For he is not better or worse for it.

But the man that is attached to the idea of achieving spirituality

Is a dangerous man on a hunt to gain significance in his life//

all methods fail

Methods are for the poor man,

Who wishes to stay in shallow waters.

His gaze is fixed upon his neighbor’s progress.

So he wishes to hack his way there.

He adopts a method.

But then becomes enamored with the cosmetics and form.

Nothing ever comes,

So he adds patience to his ammunition.

He begins to preach he knows the way.

And begins dispensing part of his fragmented hope.

But when he’s alone at night,

He trembles with fear of being exposed//

effort is never enough

Effort is needed when you have many options.

And when it is not an overwhelming desire.

And when you are following methods.

And when you believe in patience.

Effort is ineffective when it is life or death.

For then you will have realized,

Through your sincere desire to survive.

That you had no choice but to swim.

Even if you knew not how to//


Opinions are for the narrow mind,

That seeks validation above all else.

Realize this Truth,

And you will forever walk alone.

But it will matter not,

For there won’t be any thirst to quench//

your relationships

Your relationships are a mirror of your inadequacies.

This brings problems.

And you try with all your might,

To fix, deal, or manage them.

But in doing so…

Forever miss the source,

From where these problems truly arise//

less is still a number

Concentrate not,

And pay Attention.

Think not,

And See.

Do not,

And Understand.

Work not,

And Create//

master, what is the truth?

The Truth is the causality.

The Truth is the central source.

The Truth is incontrovertible. 

The Truth is indivisible.

It is the solid foundation upon which something rests. 

And upon discovering the Truth,

One can finally see things as they truly are,

Without the slightest attempt of making them this or that//