
the words write themselves

There is great significance in seeing the insignificance of things.

For it is only when a glass is empty that it is able to receive anything.

Ego is false.

Pride is false.

Being proud of having no ego is false.

Being proud of having no pride is false.

Intelligence is false.

Knowledge is false.

Being proud that “you do not know” is false.

Psychology is false.

Philosophy is false.

Religion is false.

Spirituality is false.

Compassion is false.

Helping another is false.

Filtering this through moral tenets is false.

Being outraged that these are false, is false.

Improving yourself is false.

Becoming a better person is false.

Frustration that you do not then know what you should do, is false.

Truth is all there is

And what remains

When what is false . . . is no longer.

Clarity is all there is

And what remains

When what is involuntary thought . . . vanishes.

Realization is all there is

And what remains

When what is false . . . is finally Seen.

Wisdom is all there is

And what remains

When what is false . . . is finally Understood.

Freedom ‘from’ is not sold on the open market.

For it comes only to those who embark on an uncompromising journey to discover their own self-conflicts.