Robert Valle Robert Valle


Nothing is what it once seemed. As I continue to See the strings behind the stage nothing remains but shattered pieces of the life I once knew. Some part of me longs for it to return but another part realizes that it just wasn’t meant to be.

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emotional involvement
Robert Valle Robert Valle

emotional involvement

The truth is always antithetical. The truth is often unimaginable. For it runs so contrary to societal norms that one must change how he views his very own self before he can accept it. When there is an emotional investment, there are problems.

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what is that you see?
Robert Valle Robert Valle

what is that you see?

If you look into the mirror what is it that you see? You? Who is this you? The one you see? Or the one staring into the mirror? How can you be so sure? If you pointed at yourself, where would you point?

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words beyond the ordinary
Robert Valle Robert Valle

words beyond the ordinary

The fingers type these words. The eyes see them on the page. The heart pumps blood. The lungs exhale and inhale. The feet touch the ground. Hear only my voice. There is no image behind all of this. I will tell you some Truths. You may understand them. If not today, perhaps one day.

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be careful what you hope for
Robert Valle Robert Valle

be careful what you hope for

To live for tomorrow is to never have lived today. Peer behind the curtain. Grab the scalpel and examine all situations in which Hope was the undercurrent. Would you find peace or stress? Would you find naturalness? Or a stubborn man trying to extract water from a rock?

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some answers
Robert Valle Robert Valle

some answers

Who are you? That which remains when you remove all that you are not. What is thought? The currency of the mind. What is belief? A conditioned habit. Something one hopes to be true but has not really seen or they would not believe, they would know. What is hope? Living for tomorrow and sacrificing today.

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what is the mind?
Robert Valle Robert Valle

what is the mind?

What is the mind? An engine that has been running for thousands of years. A society that has been internalized. A database of generations and generations of experience. From that experience, you have ‘your’ own experience based on what you’ve been exposed to. From the mind, thought is born…

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i have Realized…
Robert Valle Robert Valle

i have Realized…

Today marks another year of my existence. As I continue to surgically dismantle my mind, I write these realizations as reminders to myself. I have realized that I am most blissful when I run and write…

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the end of intellectualization
Robert Valle Robert Valle

the end of intellectualization

What lies past the dualistic mindset that man has been conditioned to? To transcend past the proclivity of man to say either/or, this and not that, good or bad, ugly or beautiful. To go beyond the domain of thought and intellectualization…

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the scientist and dog trainer
Robert Valle Robert Valle

the scientist and dog trainer

New Years is a time when man aspires change. When he resolutes to be more loving, kind, attentive and the list goes on. He proceeds to add more things to his already exhaustive list of things to-do. In many ways it is the ultimate failure…

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honesty works
Robert Valle Robert Valle

honesty works

Morality is irrelevant here. It’s easy to hide behind the curtain of societal-religious ideals. But doing this has a guaranteed shelf-life. This message is for those who have seen past the game. Those who have unveiled the curtain…

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hope is hopeless
Robert Valle Robert Valle

hope is hopeless

Anger is the offspring of hope. Hope is the offspring of pleasure. Pleasure is the offspring of ego. Ego and fear is the offspring of desire. Man hopes…

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how confidence is constructed in the mind
Robert Valle Robert Valle

how confidence is constructed in the mind

Every moment is a relation to a person or thing. Be it living or non-living. Man’s disposition is to fundamentally classify it as important or non important, more important, less important. This naturally creates a hierarchy of importance…

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a note on self-worth
Robert Valle Robert Valle

a note on self-worth

Man does not really know who he is. And as a result he creates an image. When doing so, he forgets that the criteria, parameters, and rules that one uses to judge one’s self-worth is an image that has been constructed and conditioned since birth…

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genuine desire
Robert Valle Robert Valle

genuine desire

Water boils at 100 degree celsius. At 99 it still simmers. If it stays at 99 it will forever simmer. The nature of man is to wait until it reaches 100 before he acts. For this 12 hour creature does not act unless something within him boils. This reactive existence summarizes his whole experience…

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a fruitless chase
Robert Valle Robert Valle

a fruitless chase

Why does man repeatedly ask existential questions? What is the point of this? Of meaning? Of purpose? Does life not have a guaranteed shelf-life? If so, what would any meaning signify?…

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fix nothing, see everything
Robert Valle Robert Valle

fix nothing, see everything

The tendency to look upon something with new eyes is present in children. At the onset of desire this changes. Why question this? For man has been conditioned to not question anything. His domestic existence is that of a river flowing downstream…

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