
Nothing is what it once seemed.

As I continue to See the strings behind the stage

Nothing remains

But shattered pieces of the life I once knew.

Some part of me longs to return

But another part realizes that it just wasn’t meant to be.

As I continue on this journey

Hope has lost its flavor

Not because it tastes bad

But because it is the sort of empty calories that keep you hungry forever.

Belief has lost its potency

Not because it is wrong

But because there is no reason to believe…

When one has the ability to See for himself.

As I look far into the distance

There is nothing.

Absolutely nothing.

Although it has been written twice

It matters not man's intellectual prowess.

For how can this enter his marrow,

When he is so fixated on the idea of something.

And it is this something

That creates a chase that ostensibly goes somewhere.

But it does not.

Fear not, I have no recommendations.

I speak in your presence

But I am not necessarily speaking to you.

Relationships are not sacred

For those who are your friends today will be your enemies tomorrow.

Family is not sacred

For if it was it would contain no turmoil.

School is not sacred,

For all of ones habits are learned in school.

Religion is not sacred

For if it were it would have no need to proselytize.

Self-improvement is not sacred

For if it worked, one would only have to do it once.

Meditation is not sacred,

For if it worked, where are all the at peace people?

Spirituality is not sacred,

For if it were it would not prescribe anything.

Marriage is not sacred,

For if it were there would be no divorce.

The Truth is … that nothing is sacred.

So what is one to do?

The fact that this question arises

Is the reason why man lives

Under anxiety and visceral unrest.

It is a very risky endeavor to pack

Wisdom in between the narrow spines of letters and words.

There is nothing to do.

There is nothing not to do.

Any attempt to chase comfort will lead you nowhere.

Any attempt to face discomfort will lead you nowhere.

No one knows.

He who says he knows

Is but on a desperate hunt

To attain significance in his life.

He who says he doesn't know

And gains pride in his humility

Is but on a desperate hunt

To get a dose of happiness.

Living through the world casts a large shadow.

So long as this is so...

This shadow will be the reason

Man will never be able to See.

For how can a man surrounded by

Darkness be able to See?

He who seeks to teach

Will have disappointment

Knocking on his door.

For the need to teach will

Will undermine all of his actions.

He who chases happiness

Will never find it.

Perhaps he may get a glimpse of it...

But how can he find something

That doesn't exist.

The mud can indeed become less muddy..

But so what?

Not that I am suggesting it...

Nor recommending it...

Nor imparting it...

Nor have any hope that you will imbibe it…

The Truth is

The world is not what you think.

The world is not what you believe.

The world is not what you hope.

The world is not what you expect.

The world is not what you feel.

The world is not what you see.

For how can it be any of these

When one’s eyes have been

Filled with concepts and conditions.

Then what is the world?

For if you do not see for yourself

Of what use is to talk about it.

Of what use it to theorize and philosophize?

Did school not offer plenty of that?

What did that get you?

There is nothing, my friend.

But man will forever be beholden

To the idea of something.

Perhaps there exists a few humans

In different corners of the world

Who are able to See.

Perhaps not.

I sure won't hope so.

For that is another trap that leads nowhere.

And it is most ironic

That this nothing is more satisfying

Than all somethings combined.

There is nothing, my friend.


emotional involvement