a fruitless chase

Why does man repeatedly ask existential questions?

What is the point of this?

Of meaning? Of purpose?

Does life not have a guaranteed shelf-life?

If so, what would any meaning signify?

A human being lives under the weight of the mind.

A mind lives under the weight of society.

A man does not want to be labeled a sociopath

So he chooses to be compassionate.

A man does not want to be labeled a follower

So he chooses to become a leader.

Thus, it can accurately be stated

That a human does not act, he reacts.

Being under the weight of the mind

Spawns such questions…

What are you chasing?

Why aren’t you happy?

What are you doing to improve yourself?

What is the meaning of your life?

What is your purpose?


Being clever

And subservient to his intellect,

Has formulated

A neat and tidy answer

This answer has taken years for him to develop.

And as such,

It is the best one he has in his toolbox.

For it is the answer that he carries to bed

Whenever an ounce of doubt lingers in his mind.

Such a man never asks: why do these existential thoughts arise in the first place?

Why question something he has a precise answer for?

Let me ask you, my dear friend.

If you look at a river, what does it do?

Does it flow towards the ocean?

Do you think the river wishes to reach the ocean?

Now, is that the meaning or purpose of a river?

What is the purpose of a tree?

To provide shade for the traveler at rest?

To serve as a home to animals?

To live as the predominant victim of deforestation?

Is that the meaning of a tree?

Understand this:

Meaning is the product of an existence that seeks anti-misery.

This is neither good nor bad, incorrect or correct.

It is just the state of affairs.

For man would be more alone

If he did not have his meaning or purpose with him.

The truly devoted man seeks nothing to be nothing.

His only devotion is his craft.

And in that, he loses all significance adhered by the societal man.

Any notion of strife towards meaning is simply not entertained.

For such questions fail to arise within him.

Such a man does not look over there.

And as such…

Does not wish that tomorrow will be better than today.


genuine desire


fix nothing, see everything