genuine desire

Water boils at 100 degrees celsius.

At 99 it simmers.

If it stays at 99 it will forever simmer.

The nature of man is to wait until it reaches 100 before he acts.

For this 12 hour creature does not act unless something within him boils.

This reactive existence summarizes his whole experience.

For it is why he waits until he is sick before he lives.

For it is why he waits until crisis enters his life before he acts.

Procrastination is his default state.

His mind tricks him into thinking that knowledge

Or health

Are powerful enough impetus

To change his circumstance.

It is but a rather a form of entertainment.

Deep within, he knows this.

And deep within it is okay with him.

Interspersed in his life

Are moments he actually understood

What was okay and what was not okay with him.

Moments of clarity.

Moments of actually seeing.

In these moments there were no desire for

How to’s, methods, or techniques.

Simply leaving it to chance was not an option for him.

For in those moments something arose naturally within him.

And that which arose…

Was a visceral understanding

That he was not okay with his current circumstance.

Such understanding can be demonstrated by these events:

Would a man seek a method if his hair was on fire?

Would a man seek an instructor if he was drowning in a lake?



Such situations would simply not be okay with him

And that “not being okay” would naturally create the momentum of change.

The genuine desire to no longer be on fire would arise.

The desperation to get to shore would arise.

He need not do anything.

He need not fix anything.

He needed only the desire that arose out of the

Desperation, sincerity, genuineness, and seriousness

To get where he Truly desired.

Because in that moment he finally Understood:

That man does not act unless his back is against the wall and there is something in it for him.

He saw.

And seeing is the ultimate doing.


a note on self-worth


a fruitless chase