a note on self-worth

Man does not know who he really is.

As a result he creates an image.

Yet he has not the wisdom to see that

The criteria, parameters, and rules

That he uses to judge his self-worth…

Are based upon an image

Constructed and conditioned since birth.

Such image is based upon

His failures and successes.

For all this goes into the equation of constructing who he believes himself to be.

As such…

He spends his life trying to improve upon that self-image

Towards a better self-image


Through the vehicle of

Self-improvement, self-development, and spirituality.


In order to get to a place that

Is more in line with what society and those around him want.

And what they deem to be successful, appropriate, correct, morally right, and healthy.

In such process

Man loses himself.

Not because it’s wrong.

But simply because such things are ineffective.

Why are they ineffective?

Whenever there are rules there can only be problems.

It is inevitable that self-worth is an issue.

For any type of image constructed by fabricated concepts

Can never and will never be enough.


how confidence is constructed in the mind


genuine desire