how confidence is constructed in the mind

Every moment is a relation to a person or thing.

Be it living or non-living.

Man’s disposition

Is to classify such relation

As important or non-important

More important or less important.

This naturally creates a hierarchy of importance.

Therefore, a man’s place in this hierarchy

Secretly tells him if he’s doing “okay.”

For he does not realize that in such process

A subtle form of anxiety is created.

An anxiety rooted

In bondage and dependency.

For if he is at the top

He would need to find a way

To validate such position.

For if he was at the bottom

He will suffer from the need

To reach a higher position.

Deep within the man

He knows that which the mind does not.

He knows if he will get somewhere or not

For that which is truly heartfelt

Gives him the understanding that

He arises before he arrives.

Such a man knows he will reach a certain place.

And when he does, the outward actions are a manifestation of that knowing and not knowing.

For he who knows that he will arrive

Will function by way of natural confidence.

He who does not know if he will arrive

Will function by way of anxiety.


hope is hopeless


a note on self-worth