be careful what you hope for

To live for tomorrow

Is to never have lived today.

Peer behind the curtain.

Grab the scalpel and examine

All events, situations, or circumstances

In which hope was the undercurrent.

Would you find peace or stress?

Would you find naturalness?

Or a stubborn man attempting to extract water from a rock?

In the darkest hour,

Everyone shows their teeth

And in that desperation

Hope seems like the only friend.

But is it?

This is where the seas part.

For hope does not respond to the Truth.

Hope does not respond to Reality.

It does not give birth to freedom.

It gives birth to a psychologist.

For when there is no naturalness,

There is an attempt to forge it.

When there is no acceptance.

There is a desire to try and accept it.

Whether by invitation or not,

You will stand full witness

To the Truth that nothing lasts.

From dust to dust.

To subscribe to hope

Is to enter into a contract

With the very emotions

That have tormented your daily existence.

For there is no positive or negative to be found.

There is no good or bad to be found.

There is only disappointment.

It matters not if you win or lose.

If matters not if you succeed or fail.

Of what good are any of these things

If your whole journey was filled with angst and struggle?

Beyond the horizon lies another horizon.

For a satisfied hope leads only to more Hope.

I speak to you from the other side of the hills.

There is no reason to believe.

There is no teaching to imbibe.

There is only what the Truth.

There is no reason to accept it

There is no reason to not accept it.

If you’re here for a short time…

You can live like a leaf in the wind

Or you may not.

The choice is yours, but is it?


words beyond the ordinary


some answers