some answers

Who are you? That which remains when you remove all that you are not. 

What is thought? The currency of the mind.

What is belief? A conditioned habit. Something one hopes to be true but has not really seen or they would not resort to belief, they would know. 

What is hope? Living for tomorrow and sacrificing today. 

What is anger? The outward manifestation of unfulfilled hope. 

What is happiness? A scam. Nothing more than a mood. A reaction to a non-want. That non-want being misery.

Why does man live in a constant state of self-improvement? Because he does not know who he truly is. 

Is there a God? If there is or there is not, your problems are still your problems, so what’s the point?

What is church? The grand stage to boast your morality. 

Why do people pray? To beg and accumulate.

Why do people meditate? To self-adorn.

Why do people go parties? To engage in superficial socialization and escape from their own emptiness. 

Why are we here? To create.

What is life? Suffering with occasional glimpses of joy. 

Is this not negative or pessimistic? You tell me. Can you name one thing that will last forever? Will you live forever? Nothing lasts. Classifying into negative or positive are two sides of the same coin.

Why do humans suffer? They are scared of who they would become without their drama filled lives.

If life is suffering, then how should we spend our lives? You are not ready for that answer.

Why? Because you asked the question.

Is pleasure bad? There is no good or bad. If the pleasure you gain from doing something is satisfactory to you then there is no reason to stop.

Will pleasure lead me to everlasting bliss and freedom? No. 

What will lead me to ultimate freedom? If I pointed at the sky, you would not look at the sky, you would look at my finger. 

Where does freedom lie? Outside of the mind. 

How can I arrive at freedom? By turning off involuntary thought. 

Where does involuntary thought come from? Your environment.


be careful what you hope for


what is the mind?