words beyond the ordinary

The fingers type these words.

The eyes see them on the page.

The heart pumps blood.

The lungs exhale and inhale.

The feet touch the ground.

There is no image behind all of this.

I will tell you some Truths.

You may understand them.

If not today, perhaps one day.

Life is a place where events take place but not the other way around. A life of events is not a life. Why would you settle for a life of ups and downs?

The world can never and will never make you whole. What chase will make you realize this?

The love you receive from those closest to you is not enough to keep you from seeking that which your heart yearns.

A human being is not a set of personality traits and was never made to be. The consequences of being under the spell that a human being is something other than an organism are simply incalculable.

This human has cultivated the creation of a Mind.

The Mind controls the human. It seeks to please itself while the human is left spent, tattered, and torn. Indeed, it is his master.

Seeking to do what is "good" or "right" may be considered noble, but it is misguided. It will lead only to circles. When will you realize that a human does not function by way of empty concepts?

Following morality will be to follow something that fundamentally doesn't exist. For what is "good" and what is "bad?" Does "good" and "bad" tangibly exist anywhere in nature?

The Realized human needs no moral guidelines or rules to keep him from harming another. The thought simply does not arise.

Need is the greatest poison of your life. For the things or people you need from will be the source of all your suffering. Do you not see?

Nothing belongs to this person you call "you.”

You belong to no one. Do you not see?

You do not know who you are. As a result, you have created an image of who you think you are.

This image is based upon what society values.

Society tells you to love yourself and to be your own best friend. Has this worked?

Society has set you on a collision course. Telling you that you are enough on the one hand and that you should self-improve on the other. What are you improving? You are a little better today than yesterday. So what? The dirt is less dirty.

Yourself is nothing but baggage.

You search for things where there is nothing to be found.

You hope for things that do not exist. And while you hope, you never see where your feet touch the ground.

You create relationships as a reaction to not wanting to feel lonely.

In these relationships, you create conflicts in order to protect your identity. What is the net result of each relationship you have had in your life? Empty, painful, with a few joyful moments?

What you call love is attachment in disguise. Even on an emotional level. For wherever there is need, there cannot be love.

All things in your life are a reaction to the fear of losing control of who you believe yourself to be.

And it is for this reason, you live in the past and are anxious about the future.

You will retrieve to your native state when you need nothing.

You will be free from all conflicts when you need no one. Filter this through "good" and "bad" and you will have once again invited conflict.

Religions will sell you their god.

Spirituality will sell you its potions.

Intellectuals will sell you their knowledge.

These characters are nothing more than snake oil salesmen.

For any need to convince or proselytize is fraudulence in disguise.

God or no god, of what practical use is this in your life? Your problems are still your problems.

Any attempt to fix, deal with or manage your problems will perpetuate them.

You may fix one side but will manipulate another. If none of your most acute problems were fixed into creation, why would they need to be fixed into oblivion?

Fix nothing, See everything.

See the world for what it is and you will live at ease. If the question "how do I do this?" slips from your tongue, you are not ready. For any "how" is for the insincere.

Recognize the billboards, bumper stickers, soothsayers, and potions for what they are.

There is no need to condemn them, judge them, or talk about them.

Seeing them from what they are is enough.

You have only one life.

The clock that matters is not the one that counts up, but the one that counts down.

Be careful where you spend it. Be careful how you spend it. For not a second returns.

Society and life are at odds. If you view your allegiance as a choice, you will have missed.

Life is an uncompromising tide that stops for no one. It does not care about you.

Society will tell you half-truths such as "that's life."

It will deceive you into living life in the middle of the storm.

Were you put on this earth to accept?

Rare is the one who questions this.

Common is the one who continues this.

Societal is the one who preaches this.

Peace will never be your companion as long as you chase it.

Freedom will never be your companion as long as you value society.

No treatment in the world will cure your problems. You may suffer less, but less is still a number. Who cares?

You may have achieved success. But of what use is this if you do not have peace?

You may have accumulated wealth. But of what use is this if you are not free from pain and anxiety?

You have nothing.

Otherworldly things like peace, freedom, equanimity are not sold on the open market.

They are hidden by the hand of nature.

Ready to be bestowed upon those individuals that demonstrate the genuine desire, sincerity, and seriousness to know.

The Truth is non-negotiable.

It does not seek to sway you.

It does not seek to make you a member.

It does not shackle you to a life of penance.

It is not mired by ideals or concepts.

It is the most practical thing devoid of any -ism.

Each day knocks on your door. When will you answer it?

The river of domestic existence has swept you.

And now you serve a life of chores, obligations, and activities. Looking at your neighbor will not transform you. Is this zombified state acceptable to you?

You may have servants, but you yourself are the head servant.

Being outraged about world hunger and world peace will not bring peace to your life.

Being outraged about the last statement will not bring peace to your life.

Bring peace to your own life. For that act alone will benefit the world far greater than anything else.

All of your charities and disingenuous offerings are nothing but a distraction from the immediate. When will you act without any compulsion to do so?

A human is not altruistic nor is he selfish.

These are roles given to him by a society that is fearful.

Fearful of being unkind.

A human chases these ideals in order to find peace in his life.

The greatest problem is the only problem.

And the only problem is the Mind.

Conquer it and you will live in equanimity.

Need nothing, and you instantly gain everything.

Empty the Mind, and that which you See you become.

There is nothing to do. The Mind may whisper and tell you that you should follow some of these things. And since this voice is coming from an inward direction you believe it to be true. Any belief or faith in these words will send you down the road of bondage, dependency, and reliance. Haven't you had enough of that?

If any of these words have seeped into your bloodstream, they will not need your permission to be imbibed.

For they will have entered without the intermediary of thought.

And this is to viscerally Understand.


what is that you see?


be careful what you hope for