hope is hopeless

Anger is the offspring of hope.

Hope is the offspring of pleasure.

Pleasure is the offspring of ego.

Ego and fear are the offspring of desire.

Man hopes.

Once he hopes, he desires a certain outcome.

Since that outcome is uncertain, fear is born.

If he reaches what he hopes for

He basks in the pleasure of reaching the desired hope.

Therefore, the hope becomes reinforced and stronger.

If he does not reach what he hopes for

He thinks “maybe next time.”

The states of affairs being as such

Creates one thing and one thing only

A concept that cannot be relied upon.

For when such a man hopes

He also fears.

And whether he reaches what he hopes for or not…

What has he really won?

If his whole journey was filled with anxiety.

Understand this:

A man that moves through the world with fear

Is a man forever imprisoned by the mind.

Such a man, never questions why hope arises.

He continues to hope

And wishes for a better tomorrow.

But how can a tomorrow arrive if today was wasted?


honesty works


how confidence is constructed in the mind