the scientist and dog trainer

New Years is a time

When man says he will change. 

To something more loving, kind, compassionate and the list goes on.

An exhaustive list of things

To-do and to-be

Enter his viscera

Without the slightest desire

To examine all his past failed attempts.

If one were to look very innocently at such man

He will see a man who is not good and is not bad.

But rather a man

Who is okay being the way he is.

For why would a man who is comfortable with who he is change?

If you observe a scientist at work, what do you see?

The pure scientist approaches his research without a plan.

Not expecting this nor manipulating that.

For his devotion lies in the act of testing, not the results.

He then tries to understand.

Now if you observe a dog trainer…

What do you see?

A trainer wants a dog to do a certain thing.

Therefore, he manipulates the dog’s behavior based on feedback.

What difference is a man training a dog

To a man training himself.

Should he feel anxious.

He searches for methods and techniques

On how to treat that anxiety

Lessen its effect

And deal with it

The moment it arises.

Understand this:

A man who relegates how he feels

To a five step plan

Is a dangerous man.

Man’s plight is one he never comes to see.

For he is interested in answers

When questions would be best suited.

And for that reason he will never leave struggle.


the end of intellectualization


honesty works