what is the mind?

What is the mind?

An engine that has been running for thousands of years.

A society that you have internalized.

A database of generations and generations experience.

From that experience, you have ‘your’ own experience.

Your experience is based on what you’ve been exposed to. 

From the mind, thought is born. 

Thought creates feeling.

Those feelings create certain actions. Whether internally or externally.

Those actions result in consequences.

Those consequences create rules. 

Those rules create beliefs. (e.g. morality)

Those beliefs create a self-image.

That self-image creates bondage and dependency.

That bondage creates methods.

Those methods create habits. 

Those habits create more thought. 

This thought

Inow in the form of an opinion or preference. 

It says, ‘let’s keep the good ones and get rid of the bad ones.’

These new thoughts create more methods

Because you realize that their effectiveness is temporary. 

Ultimately, it leads you to the thought

That wonders when will IT come.

Precisely what?

You don’t know but you say that just to say it. 

You adapt.

For these are the cards you’ve been dealt you say.

Your problems continue and your mind never stops chatting. 

Just see how unsustainable this is for an entire day. 

Now imagine for an entire lifetime. 


some answers


i have Realized…