what is that you see?

If you looked into the mirror

What is it that you see?


Who is this you?

The one you see?

Or the one staring into the mirror?

How can you be so sure?

If you pointed at yourself, where would you point?

Does this "you" tangibly exist anywhere?

Is this “you” not just a set of personality traits?

Do these personality traits not change with every person you meet on the street?

Why plant a flag on shifting sand?

You're born, you roam the earth, and then you die.

This is Truth.

Is this pessimistic?

Pessimism is the idea that something can go one of two ways. The “negative” person chooses the pessimist way.

Of the things said, which can go another way?

Why the labels friend?

What is it that is born?

An organism.

Is there more?

Why make something out of nothing?

There's no judgment, I ask sincerely.

If something is here for a minute and then it's gone...

Why the fuss?

Is this good or bad?

Is this negative or positive?

Is a dog a pessimist or an optimist?

Is a cat a pessimist or an optimist?

How about a patch of grass or puddle of water?

Why the labels friend?

Aren't these just made-up words?

What is it that roams the earth?

A body and a set of organs.

What dies?

A body and a set of organs.

Why the fuss about everything?

Why the addiction to happiness?

Why the chase to feel good?

Why the addiction with wanting to be good?

Why the need to be liked?

Liked by who?

Another human organism?

Let's say you're liked by a few humans

Why the fuss?

Does it feel good?

Does this feeling last forever?

A dog may chase its tail

But a human chases mirages.

You're born, you roam the earth, and then you die.

This is Truth.

If I pinched you, you may say ouch.

And that would be the greatest Truth you have said.

Do you not see?

You live a life of smoke and mirrors.

The Truth my friend is a one-way street.

Here today, gone tomorrow.

This is Truth.

The Mind is the greatest illness of mankind.

This is Truth.

Life should be this and not that.

This is Untruth.

Opinions, beliefs, analysis, intellectualization, spirituality, religion...

This is Untruth.

Man is a walking schizophrenic.

He sees things that do not exist.

He reads into things that are not there.

He hears things that no one says.

Asking what to do about this

Is Untruth.

Are the body and set of organs doing this?


Then what is?

If you do not see it for yourself

No response will ever satisfy you.

Should you believe me?

This will not do anything for you.

For belief drifts one further into illusion.

Understand this:

You never truly See.

You See only yourself trying to See.

And the only opportunity you have…

Should you have the receptors to genuinely imbibe it…

Is to realize that you have never existed at all.


emotional involvement


words beyond the ordinary